Byron Greens - Going Green at the North Byron Hotel
You're invited to our event: Going Green at the North Byron Hotel!
Let’s get together for a fun afternoon to hear our exciting plans for the upcoming local elections - with our incredible local Greens candidates at the North Byron Hotel.
We’ll be sharing all the big plans we have in store - and how you will help us do it!
We’re less than two months away from the local election and we need you with us to help elect these amazing candidates to council.
Here’s the details:
When: 4pm - 6pm, Sunday 4 August
Where: North Byron Hotel, 61 Bayshore Dr, Byron Bay
PS - We’ll be doorknocking in Suffolk Park beforehand - RSVP here if you would like to join our team and head to the event after the doorknocking with us!
August 04, 2024 at 4:00pm - 6pm
North Byron Hotel
61 Bayshore Dr
Byron Bay, NSW 2481
Google map and directions